Can your camera send images to any EMR/EHR?
Fundus Photo does!
Fundus Photo New Vision Ophthalmic Imaging Software – FDA cleared
New Vision Standard Imaging Software Features
- Automatic Image Acquisition
- Easy image drag-and-drop inserting
- Image Editing, Annotation and Manipulation
- Single click auto enhancement for a variety of image results
- Unlimited Review from any device – desktop, table, mobile (Android or Iphone)
- Image Contrast, Brightness, Gamma, and Sharpening
- Built-in Timer for F/A and ICG
- Image Comparison, Overlay and Mosaic (Auto montage)
- Side-by-Side Display for Stereo Pairs and Overlay with Individual Image Transparency Control
- User-Definable Contact Sheet Building
- Side-by-Side Display for Comparison of Multiple Visits
- Cup-to-disk Ratio Measurement
- Automatic PDT drawing and analysis
- Linear Distance, Area and GLD Measurement Tools
- Image-to-Image Registering and Concurrent Drawing
- Magnifying Glass Tool, Automatic Zoom Tool, Negative (inverted) Image Tool and many more
- Efficient backup, archive and restore mechanism
- Direct transfer to USB, CD, DVD, External Drive and Network Drive
- Customizable printout support
- Easy jpg Export Tool for Power Point Presentations and Export to any destination you choose
- Network with multiple workstations for viewing in other locations
- DICOM or non-DICOM image processing support to communicate with your EMR, PACS or practice management software application (optional)
New Vision Ophthalmic Imaging Software includes additional support for .doc, .pdf, .xls and video.
Contact Fundus Photo to learn how we can help you!
Fundus Photo is the exclusive New Vision dealer for North America, South America and Central America.
New Vision DICOM Conformance Statement and Description

We found the software intuitive to operate with a common sense interface allowing even a novice to operate it flawlessly. More importantly, the ability to edit, adjust settings on the image, coupled with the ability to export an image to e-mail, transfer to a flash drive, burn on a CD to a colleague is accomplished in a matter of seconds without any difficult techie maneuvers.
I believe this innovative product will allow us to further extend the life of our angiographic equipment and enthusiastically recommend this product.